Teddy Bear Breakfast Treat
Today I have a really quick, simple and fun breakfast treat to share with you. And if you choose a peanut butter that's low in salt and doesn't have any added sugar, then it's pretty healthy too! All you need
What Mummy is Currently Reading!
Hi everyone! You're probably used to me by now sharing book recommendations for kids. Well, I also get asked a lot if I ever have time to read books for myself and if so, whether I could share some recommendations
Review: Fuzzikins Campervan [AD]
It may feel like the Summer holidays are just behind us, but in Edinburgh we're already half way to the school Autumn holidays! My kids would love to go camping, but I'm not really thrilled by the idea. So in
Chapter Book of the Month: Flying Fergus
We're mixing things up a little in the book reviews department, because as much as we all love picture books, my older boy thought it was about time we shared some recommendations for chapter book too! So I'm going to
Autumn Wish List
Have I mentioned yet how much I love Autumn? Every year, I have a long list of things I want to do with the kids during Autumn, and every year we get to the end of Autumn and have forgotten
Autumn Leaf Art
Autumn is in full swing here in Edinburgh, and this past weekend we did our first round of Autumn crafting. Earlier last week, during a visit to our local park, we collected pockets full of colourful leaves which we then
10 Picture Books to Welcome Autumn
It's the most wonderful time of the year. No, not Christmas. Autumn is just around the corner! One of our favourite things on a blustery Autumn day is to snuggle down with a big pile of books, so I've put
Review: Construction Cars Set [AD]
Do you have kids who are obsessed with toy cars? My boys are both real motor heads, so were really excited when we were recently sent a set of Cat® construction cars from Toy State to review. We took them with us
12 Fab New Picture Books for Kids
You may have been wondering why it's been a bit quiet on the blog over the Summer, and why there have not been any new book posts or videos. The reason is that we moved house (again, but just up
A Day at the Book Festival
Since May, I have been working for the Edinburgh International Book Festival. You may have seen my video a while back, where I shared my favourite authors and illustrators appearing in this year's programme. Well, the Festival finally kicked off
Review: Sticky Stick Sticker Book [AD]
Are you kids fans of Hey Duggee? If they are, you've probably already got the Stick Song stuck in your head. If they're not, you will after hearing it. Either way, you're welcome! My boys love Hey Duggee. They love the
Home Tour: Kitchen with a View
To complete the home tour of our apartment, I was going to share some pictures of our kitchen, but since starting my little series we have actually moved house! We've said farewell to our views of Edinburgh Castle, and moved