Chocolate Easter Nests
Easter is getting closer, so today I have another sweet (literally) and easy little idea for you. I'm going to share how we made chocolate Easter nests for our German playgroup's Easter meet-up last weekend. Some folk make their Easter nets
GF Hot Cross Buns
Hot cross buns! Hot cross buns! One a penny two a penny, hot cross buns. If you have no daughters, give them to your sons. One a penny two a penny, hot cross buns. Easter is coming up, and as well as death by
Mini Buckwheat Pancakes
Throw your hands in the air and shout "Yeah!" if you love pancakes! Well you're in luck, as it's Pancake Day today! How about doing something a little different this year, and making a whole plate full of mini pancakes? This
Pasta with Cauliflower Cheese Sauce
So, my kids are pretty good about eating vegetables, but I'm still always looking for new ways to get even more in to them. They're not so keen on cauliflower in its cauliflower state, but they do like cauliflower soup
Potato, Carrot & Stilton Soup
Do you still have some leftover Stilton from the Christmas cheeseboard languishing in the fridge? Then I have just the recipe for you! My boys love this soup, though I do hold back a bit on the Stilton for them.
3 Kings Day Cookies
As mentioned in my last post, we like to celebrate Epiphany (on 6th January) - or Three Kings Day as it's known in Germany - by baking cookies. For the last couple of years, we've made crown cookies, using two
Rocket Skewers
After Christmas is before Hogmanay, as we call New Year's Eve here in Scotland. We've never really done anything big or special for Hogmanay, especially not while the kids were both so young, but this year we have guests staying
Reindeer Cupcakes
We had our nativity service at church this past weekend, with a bring & share lunch to follow, so I wanted to make something special to bring for the children. I'd seen different versions of reindeer cupcakes circulating the internet
Redcurrant Jam Sandwich Cookies
Are you feeling Christmassy yet? We lit the second candle on our Advent wreath yesterday, and also baked our second round of Christmas cookies. Whilst Vanilla Kipferl, Cinnamon Stars and Butter Cookies remain our favourites (they're like the Holy Trinity
Crispy Vanilla Heart Waffles (GF)
Hands up if you like cosy afternoons in at this time of year, with a mug of hot tea and some fresh, home made waffles! If you own a waffle iron, chances are you already have a waffle recipe, but
Edible Sparklers
Yesterday we went to see a fireworks display to celebrate Bonfire Night (which is actually today), so I made some fireworks themed snacks to take with us. These edible sparklers went down a treat! My boys absolutely loved them, and