{Japan} Discovering Robots at Tokyo’s Miraikan Museum
Happy Museum Monday everyone! We’re back this week with another great museum from our trip to Japan to share with you. When asked what he would like to see or do on our trip, Oskar (my 8 year old) said
Museum Explorers #2
Happy Museum Monday everyone! We're back with another interview, in my new series where families share their favourite museums with you! This month, we have Typical Mummy from Staffordshire. 1. Why don't you start by telling us a bit about yourself
{Japan} Yokohama Cupnoodles Museum with Kids
Happy Museum Monday! We have another great kid-friendly museum to share with you, and as we’re just back from an amazing three week trip to Japan, this week’s recommendation comes from Yokohama. We love seeking out quirky and unusual museums
{USA} National Museum of the American Indian with Kids
Happy Museum Monday everyone! We’re back this week with another great kid-friendly museum to share with you. I have been lucky enough to spend a significant amount of time in Washington, D.C. - both as an intern at the Smithsonian
Museum Explorers #1
Happy Museum Monday everyone! As part of my new series introducing you to family friendly museums around the world, I thought I'd mix it up a little and let other families have their say too. So in 'Museum Explorers' I
{Sweden} The Världskulturmuseet with Kids
Happy Museum Monday! We're back with another great museum for kids to share with you - The Världskulturmuseet (or World Culture Museum) in Gothenburg. We visited this during an Easter holiday a couple of years ago, and I think it's
{Berlin} The Jewish Museum with Kids
Hey, February! How did we get here so quickly already? To mark the new month, I've decided to introduce a new feature to the blog. As you may or may not know, I'm very passionate about taking kids to museums,
{Scotland} Pumpkin Picking at Kilduff Farm
Is it even Autumn if you haven't visited a pumpkin patch? Actually, we'd only ever been pumpkin picking once before, and that was last year when we had actually gone apple picking only to discover the farm in question also
{Edinburgh} The Castle with Kids
I've been asked quite a few times recently for recommendations of things to do in Edinburgh, from people planning a holiday there this year, which reminded me I've been meaning to tell you about our trip to Edinburgh Castle last
{Edinburgh} Pick Your Own at Craigie’s Farm
Every year, I have been looking on with a little envy at the pictures of apple picking and pumpkin patch outings filling up my social media streams. Last year, we visited the US during October and got within reach of
{Edinburgh} Exploring the Royal Botanic Garden
One of my favourite places in Edinburgh is the Royal Botanic Garden, or the 'Botanics' as it's known colloquially. I have fond memories of Sunday afternoons spent there as a child. So it's a wonder it's taken me so long
{Edinburgh} Picnics & Pooh Sticks at the Hermitage
We've been really lucky with the weather in Edinburgh this summer. Sure, we've had a few rainy days since arriving back here, but we've also had plenty of sunshine. So last week, we made the most of the good weather