Our 2020 Reading Journey – Month 10
As I mentioned in my post from earlier this year, I decided that this year I would record all the books my 5 year old and I read together. I’ve been snapping a quick picture of all the books from each day, and collecting them in an album over on my blog’s Facebook page – and now also on Instagram! Here’s our pile of books from our tenth month:
Books We Read in October 2020
In October we read a total of 39 different books.
Picture Books
- Angelina’s Halloween, by Katharine Holabird & Helen Craig
- Big Pumpkin, by Erica Silverman & S. D. Schindler
- Florette, by Anna Walker
- Funny Bones, by Janet & Allan Ahlberg
- How to Make Friends With a Ghost, by Rebecca Green
- I Love You All Day Long, by Francesca Rusackas & Priscilla Burris
- Maisy Goes by Plane, by Lucy Cousins
- Maisy Learns to Swim, by Lucy Cousins
- Marvin Wanted More, by Joseph Theobald
- Michael Recycle, by Ellie Bethel & Alexandra Colombo
- Nanny Fox, by Georgie Adams & Selina Young
- Ollie’s Lost Kitten, by Nicola Killen
- Postman Bear, by Julia Donaldson & Axel Scheffler
- Pug With a Passport: Traveling Through Tokyo, by Marie Story
- Ready, Steady, Ghost by Elizabeth Baguley & Marion Lindsay
- Room on the Broom, by Julia Donaldson & Axel Scheffler
- Ten Little Monsters, by Mike Brownlow & Simon Rickerty
- The Berenstain Bears: Trick or Treat, by Stan & Jan Berenstain
- The Last Pumpkin: A Tale of Bravery, by John Knutson & Luke Flowers
- The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid Of Anything, by Linda Williams & Megan Lloyd
- The Ugly Pumpkin, by Dave Horowitz
- There’s a Mouse in My House, by Ross Collins
- There’s Broccoli in My Ice Cream! by Emily MacKenzie
- Tumshie: The Forgotten Halloween Turnip Lantern, by Mark Mechan
- Where’s Wally? Spooky Spotlight Search, by Martin Handford
- Der Grolltroll, by aprilkind
- Es War Einmal ein Zweimal, by Rolf Vogt
- Helmut der Hund der Äpfel zählt, by Claudia Boldt*
- Ich Knack die Nuss, by Paolo Friz
- Kleine Jumbo Große Mama, by Yasushi Muraki*
- Nasebohren Ist Schön, by Daniela Kulot
- Oskar liebt… by Britta Teckentrup*
* also available in English
Chapter Books
- Agent Weasel and the Fiendish Fox Gang, by Nick East
- The Naughtiest Unicorn at Sports Day, by Pip Bird & David O’Connell
- Das Kleine Gespenst, by Otfried Preußler*
*also available in English
Non-Fiction Books
- Little People, Big Dreams: Muhammad Ali, by Isabel Sanchez Vegara & Brosmind
- My Very First Space Book, by Usborne Books
- So You Think You’ve Got it Bad? A Kid’s Life in Ancient Greece, by Chae Strathie & Marisa Morea
- The Clue is in the Poo, by Andy Seed & Claire Almon
I’d love to hear what you have been reading in the last month. If you have any great recommendations, let me know in the comments!