Our 2020 Reading Journey – Month 8
As I mentioned in my post from earlier this year, I decided that this year I would record all the books my 5 year old and I read together. I’ve been snapping a quick picture of all the books from each day, and collecting them in an album over on my blog’s Facebook page. I’m a bit late with the update for June, but here’s our pile of books from our eight month:
In August we read a total of 62 different books, which is just four books short of our record breaking total from last month. Well, okay, maybe not record breaking, but we did read a LOT of books last month.
Books We Read in August 2020
Picture Books
- After the Fall, by Dan Santat
- All Are Welcome, by Alexandra Penfold & Suzanne Kaufman
- Balthazar the Great, by Kirsten Sims
- Beekle, by Dan Santat
- Big Bad Wold is Good, by Simon Puttock & Lynne Chapman
- Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain, by Verna Aardema & Beatriz Vidal
- Counting on Katherine, by Helaine Becker & Dow Phumiruk
- Derek the Deep-Sea Doctor, by Leo Timmers
- Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! by Mo Willems
- Du Iz Tak? by Carson Ellis
- Everyone Can Draw, by Fifi Kuo
- Fergus Barnaby Goes on Holiday, by David Barrow
- Flying Like Flittermouse, by Jan Fearnley
- Good Knight, Bad Knight, by Tom Knight
- Handa’s Surprise, by Eileen Browne
- Hedgehog for Breakfast, by Ann Turner & Lisa McCue
- I Am a Tiger, by Karl Newson & Ross Collins
- I Don’t Know What To Call My Cat, by Simon Philip & Ella Bailey
- I Explore: Digging for Dinosaurs, by Mike Goldsmith & Kate Daubney
- Jabari Jumps, by Gaia Cornwall
- Julian is a Mermaid, by Jessica Love
- Last Stop on Market Street, by Matt de la Peña & Christian Robinson
- Let’s Go for a Drive, by Mo Willems
- Mixed, by Arree Chung
- Mr McGee, by Pamela Allen
- Mr Tiger Goes Wild, by Peter Brown
- Nanny Fox, by Georgie Adams & Selina Young
- Parrots Don’t Live in the City, by Lucy Reynolds & Jenna Herman
- Snail, Where Are You? by Tomi Ungerer
- The Beckoning Cat, by Koko Nishizuka & Rosanne Litzinger
- The Big Bad Mood, by Tom Jamieson & Olga Demidova
- The Darkest Dark, by Chris Hadfield & The Fan Brothers
- The King Who Banned the Dark, by Emily Haworth-Booth
- The Little Engine That Could, by Watty Piper
- The Name Jar, by Xangsook Choi
- The Proudest Blue, by Ibtihaj Muhammad, S. K. Ali & Hatem Aly
- The Very Hungry Caterpillar, by Eric Carle
- This Book Belongs to Aye-Aye, by Richard Byrne
- Up the Mountain, by Marianne Dubuc
- When Sadness Comes to Call, by Eva Eland
- Yoko’s Paper Cranes, by Rosemary Wells
- Als der Sandmann fast verschlafen hätte, Daniela Drescher
- Der große Zahnputztag im Zoo, by Sophie Schoenwald & Günther Jakobs
- Die dumme Augustine, by Otfried Preußler & Herbert Lentz
- Ein Garten für die Stadt, by Elisa Trimby
- Fünfter Sein, by Ernst Jandl & Norman Junge
- Heule Eule, by Paul Friester & Philippe Goossens
- Kleiner Eisbär kennst du den Weg? by Hans de Beer
- Kleiner Jumbo – Große Mama, by Yasushi Muraki
- Zwei für mich, einer für dich, by Jörg Mühle
Chapter Books
- Jack’s Secret Summer, by Jack Ryder & Alice Mckinley
- The Mystery of Insch Brae House, by Susan Fidden
- Eliot und Isabella und die Abenteuer am Fluss, by Ingo Siegner
Non-Fiction Books
- A Beginner’s Guide to the Periodic Table, by Gill Arbuthnott
- Disgusting Critters: Head Lice, by Elise Gravel
- Disgusting Critters: The Spider, by Elise Gravel
- Disgusting Critters: The Worm, by Elise Gravel
- Firefighters, by Anne-Sophie Baumann & Benjamin Bécue
- Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History, Vashti Harrison
- Little People Big Dreams: Bruce Lee, by Isabel Sanchez Vegara & Miguel Bustos
- Wir erforschen die Dinosaurier, by Angela Weinhold
- Wissen – Was ist das? by Oscar Brenifier & Pascal Lemaitre
I’d love to hear what you have been reading in the last month. If you have any great recommendations, let me know in the comments!