Orange & Almond Cake (GF)
What better excuse than National Almond Day (yes, it's a thing!) to share one of my favourite recipes with you! Almonds are great for gluten free baking, because recipe with ground almonds often don't require flour as sell, eliminating the
Hooray for Hat! Birthday Cake Decor
Another week, another birthday. In November, birthdays are a bit like buses in our house - you wait for ages, then two come along at once! Having made such an epic cake for his big brother just over a week before,
Construction Site Birthday Cake
So, today we celebrated The Boy's sixth birthday! It's such a cliche to say it, but goodness how quickly they grow up! Stop the clock please. Anyway, it was a much anticipated event - he is the youngest in his
Chocolate Courgette Cake (GF)
Last week, Oskar and I were invited to visit the Domäne Dahlem here in Berlin - a working farm and museum to the south of the city centre. As well as a tour of their relatively new interactive exhibition all
Lemon Confetti Cake (GF)
Any excuse for a cake, and nothing screams summer like a refreshing lemon cake. Well, I think so anyway. With some butter cream icing and confetti sprinkles on top for extra decadence. Of course. Ingredients for the cake: 250g butter or margarine
Personal Challenge: Baking a Novelty “Postman Pat” Cake
11 November At the weekend, we celebrated the boy’s 3rd birthday. As previously mentioned, he’s a huge fan of Postman Pat, so I’d got it in to my head that, as he was now old enough to appreciate it, I wanted