It's Christmas Eve! In German tradition, Christmas Eve is the most important day for celebrating, so I'll be switching off for a bit, but I've recorded a very special book video to wish you all a very MERRY CHRISTMAS! If you

We had our nativity service at church this past weekend, with a bring & share lunch to follow, so I wanted to make something special to bring for the children. I'd seen different versions of reindeer cupcakes circulating the internet

Are you feeling Christmassy yet? We lit the second candle on our Advent wreath yesterday, and also baked our second round of Christmas cookies. Whilst Vanilla Kipferl, Cinnamon Stars and Butter Cookies remain our favourites (they're like the Holy Trinity

Today, I have a Christmassy craft to share with you. It's really easy to make, so one to get the kids involved with. All you need is some cellophane paper, a pair of scissors, and a glue stick. Step 1 - Cut